3 boxes of Betty Crocker's Suddenly Pasta Salad (Classic flavor)
3 lobster tails
1 can of whole black olives
First, boil water (2 quarts per box of pasta) in a large pot. Once boiling, empty the pasta mix into the pot. Gently boil uncovered for 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Next, drain the pasta in a strainer and rinse with cold water. Be sure to shake it to make sure that it has drained well.
Then, put the pasta in a large bowl. Toss in and stir the seasoning packet that comes with the box. Then, cover the bowl and place it in the fridge.
While the pasta is kept cool in the fridge, steam lobster tales. We did this using a double boiler, but I suppose you could cook your lobster tales in whatever fashion you are most familiar with. The trick here is that we didn't use any seasoning on the lobster tales. There was plenty in the pasta itself, so if you are grilling your lobster, resist the temptation to season it.
Next, peal the shell from the lobster and, with washed hands, pull apart the meat so that there are many decent sized chunks of lobster to be incorporated into the pasta salad. Take your bowl of pasta from the fridge and place these chunks of lobster on top of the pasta.
Then, open and drain a can of black olives. Place these on top of the pasta as well.
Finally, mix using a spoon or well washed and dried hands. Mix until the lobster chunks and the olives are well incorporated into the salad. And, there you are. Be sure to keep refrigerated until serving.
This recipe makes A LOT of pasta salad. You can easily make it smaller for a smaller get together. I recommend dividing the recipe by 3 if you're making it for your family or a small get together.
I love Betty Crocker's Suddenly Pasta Salad. I'm addicted to it. And my mom loves it because it's so easy to make her own version using it. Use it as a base to make any pasta salad you please. We were going to also add avocado slices and tomato, but we forgot to add it before we left. But that's ok, I don't mind losing some of the veggies.
Dorm Food
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